Cleanouts & Removal
To reach us, please call or text 848-240-4620 or send an email to
When texting or emailing, please include your name, town & phone #

Call or Text 732-675-2304
Warehouse Location:
1889 Route 9 - Units 3, 4 & 8
Toms River, NJ 08755
Text or Email pictures to Jenna
**Include your Name, Town, Phone Number and Deadline
Refer to our Sample List page to see examples of what information will be most helpful to us when sending a list.
Contents of Rooms: Step back to show as much stuff in each picture as possible.
Individual Items or Piles: step back and show the depth of the item or pile as well. Include walls or windows or doors in the background so we can get perspective to determine the overall volume/size. Close-ups make it difficult to determine volume. When possible, have the light behind you to avoid glare. When taking pictures of piles or accumulations, several pictures of each from different angles/sides are helpful. Remember to show the background in the pictures.
iPhone/Apple Users: Apple devices default to take pictures in HEIC (High-Efficiency Image Container) format which is designed to save storage space. The result is that on the receiving end, the photos come through as tiny thumbnails making it too difficult to accurately determine volume. When possible, either share an iCloud link to your photos or change the settings in your device to either convert existing photos to JPEG or take new photos as JPEG files.
How to Change HEIC Images to JPEG on Apple Device BEFORE TAKING PHOTOS (sharing photos from your Apple device is much simpler if you enable this setting):
Open the Camera section in the settings app.
Under Formats, select “Most Compatible” (instead of High Efficiency).
Take new photos and they will be saved as JPEG or MPEG files instead of HEIF/HEVC/HEIC.
How to Convert Existing HEIC Photos to JPEG on iPhone:
Open your Photos App
Choose the pictures you want to convert
Tap Share and select Copy Photos to copy the images to your clipboard.
Open the Files App.
Drag down from the center of the screen and tap New Folder
Tap and hold a blank Space in the folder and select Paste
Your photos will appear in the folder and will now be in JPEG format. You can share them directly from this folder or move them back to photos by selecting Share > Save Image